Secure Connection using Existing Registration with Email Link

This procedure describes how to secure the connection between Live Platform and the customer M365 tenant platform using an existing Application Registration by sending email link to instigate the Invitation wizard.

Do the following:
1. In the Services page from the Add Service drop-down, select Direct Routing.

2. Choose the relevant customer.

3. Click Add New Tenant.

4. Enter Unique Short Name of Service - Define a unique name for the new service.

The name should comply with the following rules:

The string should be 3-15 characters long
The following characters cannot be used: \ / : * ? " < > |audit
Can contain letters (lower/UPPER case), Numbers and special characters are allowed, however cannot contain the dot (.) or blank spaces.
Unique name per Service
5. Select the relevant license type Hosted Essentials+ or Hosted Pro license Type.
6. Select the number of licensed users. A maximum of 500 users can be configured per service.
7. Select the check box Send link to IT administrator for authentication, enter the email address of the Tenant service admin, and the click Next.

An email similar to the following is sent to the customer tenant admin.

8. Click Click here to activate your tenant.The Invitation wizard is displayed.

9. Enter the following details of the Application Registration  and then click Start authentication:
Customer Microsoft Tenant ID
Application (Client) ID
Client Secret

10. A confirmation message is displayed that the Application Registration is valid. Close the window.
11. Open the Pending Invitations page, notice that the Device Authenticated value is true.

12. Open the Onboarding wizard again (Services page, Add ServiceDirect Routing).

13. Click Pending Invitations.

14. Click Add. The details of the new Application Registration are displayed.

15. Click Next. The tenant credentials are validated.

16. Click Next.

17. Complete the Onboarding wizard for the creation of the service (see Onboarding with Hosted Essentials + and Onboarding with Hosted Pro).
18. Verify with your service provider when the new service has been created, then open the Service portal for the new service (Direct RoutingEdit Service).
19. When the new service has been created, open the Service portal for the new service (Direct RoutingEdit Service).

20. Navigate to the Microsoft 365 Settings page (Configuration > M365 Configuration).
21. Click Validate Authentication to validate the credentials of the tenant service with the App Registration. The Client Secret Days Until Expire value is displayed once the secret has been set for the first time.